
Untuk Ananda Umar Hamzah

Namaku Umar Hamzah
Kesayangan ayah dan bunda

Usiaku lima
Namun cita-citaku setinggi angkasa

Usiaku lima
Yang membuat hari abangku bahagia

Usiaku lima
Akan kuiisi hariku dengan penuh cerita
Tentang keluarga, cita-cita
dan ketaatan kepada sang Pencipta

Agus Setiawan

Pasangan yang Tidak Merokok

Di sebuah jamuan makan siang, aku menasihati salah satu rekan kerja wanita kami yang kini masih berjuang mencari pasangannya.
“Pertama, kalo cari suami nanti, carilah pasangan yang sholat lima waktu”. Dia mengangguk, mengaminkan.

“Kedua, cari yang tidak merokok” kemudian rekan saya ini menjawab, “Wah kalo itu Pak, aku bakal tambah lama jomblo, sebab mencari yang tidak merokok jaman ini susah” katanya sambil tertawa.

Agus Setiawan

The Independence Day of Republic Indonesia 78th Year

“Time Flies but Histories Stays”

It’s very grateful that Allah SWT put me in the beautiful Country like Indonesia. Which is consist thousand Islands from Aceh to Papua. Green paradise with beauty nature and it’s resources. Today, August 17th 2023, we took the moments to commemorate what our Heroes did in a past time. May Allah SWT bless us all with success, health, happiness, patience and strength to fill this independence with things that are pleasing Allah SWT. May Allah SWT grant us jannah, aamiin.

Key Steps to Build the 500kV Transmission Line in Indonesia

It’s been a long time, especially for me idle in this blog. Many factors affected that made my writing post in my blog is stopped temporarily. I was having busy with new challenge in new project. However, since joining this Project, I could say my writing skills is grow up. Not just like write I likes, but also I wrote the technical spec, I wrote the Minutes, etc.

In this time, I emphasize my self to re-start post an article regularly. Herewith, my short Journal regarding the Construction 500kV Transmission Line in Indonesia.

Sumatra Island have been built the first 500kV Transmission Line. As we know, in Java Island the 500kV is the common to see this Trasmission Line. At that time I wonder, how human could build this Tower from one location to other location, and how they arrange it until this connected to the Grid and operate safely.

Herewith, I summarized the key step to build the 500kV Transmission Line in Indonesia.

1. Plan
Begin by identifying the need for a new 500kV transmission line in a specific area of Indonesia. Assess the demand for electricity, evaluate existing infrastructure, and conduct feasibility studies to determine the most suitable route for the transmission line.

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Hati yang Mulia

Hati yang mulia barangkali patut diberikan kepada seseorang yang tidak pernah meminta-minta, selalu memberi dan tidak menampakan kesulitan yang dialami. Ada seorang janda beranak satu, ditinggal mati suaminya 3 tahun silam. Alhasil, wanita itu pun menjadi tulang punggung keluarga dengan menjadi buruh di pabrik kacamata. Ia tidak pernah meminta-minta pun tidak mau diberi sesuatu yang materiil sifatnya. Kemudian ada seorang dermawan yang ingin bersedekah terhadapnya namun tidak pernah diterima.

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